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Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica

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Flower Organs of Solanum muricatum Aiton. I. Perianth and Stamen

Kopcińska J.,Łotocka B., Kowalczyk K. and Kobryń J.

In Solanum muricatum Aiton the general flower structure was typical for Solanaceae. The anther wall comprised the epidermis, endothecium (restricted to the anther tip), 3-4 middle layers and secretory tapetum. Placentoids developed in the anther loculi. Tapetum degeneration was noted in buds with the corolla shorter than the calyx, while loculi were filled with microspore tetrads. At the next stage (corolla even with calyx) pollen grains were visible. The anthers opened with tip pores in the still-closed buds, and then at anthesis the stomium split along the hypodermal row of idioblasts. Inhibition of pollen tube growth in vivo was not observed under self- or cross-pollination.

Key words: Pepino, anther dehiscence, pollen grain ultrastructure, pollen germination
